Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tennessee family home burns as firefighters watch

The story here is that this rural, poor, Tennessee family had not paid their annual dues of $75 to the local fire department--essentially an insurance policy--so the firemen came, but did not put out the fire.

The fire chief defended their acts because a) no one was hurt and b) they cant get to every fire of every person due to the cost, so they can only put out the fires for people who pay their annual dues.

Apparently this has happened before in this county, just last year in fact.

For them to say they can't get to everyone's home unless they pay their dues doesn't take away the fact that they were there, and did nothing. I can't see how the greater good is being served here, or how the government can insist on everyone having an insurance policy. Without diving deeper, I don't think the firefighters actions were justified.

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