Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Christian Morals

Recently I read an article on CNN.com about the reasons people can't wait to have sex until they are married. I found the thought process was dissonant to my moral compass, but you can read the article here and see for yourself:

I only have a few thoughts about this. Basically, what does the time exposed to temptation have to do with how ok it is to fall into its trap? Isn’t right right, and wrong wrong? Aren’t our ethics based on something that is greater than time? I think that they are. I feel that there is not an ever growing need to stop trying, as this writer suggests, but to try harder to instill in our children and our selves a sense of the weight our morals carry, that they are not something that can be disregarded because it’s hard, or we have been trying for a long time, so now we can give in.

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